Inputs are high. Time is short.
Why spend time and money cropping areas of your fields that aren’t turning a profit?
We can help you identify those acres and find revenue-boosting alternatives! The Iowa County Field Profitability Improvement Program includes:
Check out this video about an easy yield monitoring setup and why it’s so useful:
Contact Casey Michek or Katie Abbott at the Iowa County Land Conservation Department with any questions or if you are interested in the program: 608-930-9891,,
Funding is limited and available in 2023 only! Sign up by June 1 for first round funding priority.
Learn more:
Efficiently applying expensive fertilizer, soil amendments, seed, and pesticide can be a challenge in our region, where a variety of soils, slopes, moisture levels, and shade levels occur, often within a single field.
Read more here. Precision Decisions on Cropland Areas
The Iowa County Land Conservation department recently held a webinar called “Precision Decisions: Refining Farm Profitability on Cropland,” in collaboration with Pheasants Forever, UW-Madison Extension, and County Conservation Departments from Grant, Lafayette, and Green Counties.
The webinar is available free: Click Here