2024 County Board Resolutions and Ordinances

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Number Title Adopted Defeated Postponed Amended 
05-0224Resolution Authorization and Support of Application for the Federal Raise Grant Program for CTH C - STH 23 to STH 14.

6-0224Resolution setting the floodplain land use and shoreland land use permit fees

7-0224Establishing the 2025-2028 Compensation for the Register of Deeds, County Treasurer and County Clerk

8-0224Iowa County Airport Zoning Permit Moratorium

3-0324Resolution Designating the Week of April 15 Through April 19, 2024 As "Work Zone Awareness Week" in Iowa County.

7-0424Resolution to Petition for State and Federal Airport Improvement Aid.

8-0424Resolution to Consider a Transfer of $195,000 from the Airport Fund Balance for Architectural and Engineering Services for Design of a New Pilot's Lounge, Manager's Office, Fixed Based Operator and Terminal Building.

9-0424Resolution Recommending Transfer of Funds in 2024 from the General Fund Balance and Highway Fund Balance to the Highway Department for the Construction of County Highway T and Hollandale Highway Shop.

8-0524Resolution Establishing a Self-Insured Worker's Compensation Program.

9-0524Resolution Jurisdictional Transfer Agreement for CTH CC-CTH C to STH 14 with Town of Arena.

10-0524Resolution to Establish a Project Account called: K9 Support.

11-0524Resolution to Establish a Project Account called: Courthouse Grounds & Memorial Improvements.

12-0524Resolution to Establish a Project Account call:  Health Care Equipment Loan (HELP) Account.

13-0524Resolution Recommending 2023 Budget Amendments for Various Departments.

14-0524Resolution Transfer of Funds from the General Fund Balance

15-0524Resolution for Carryover of Certain Accounts from 2023 to 2024.

16-0524Resolution Approving Revenue Bond Financing for Bug Tussel, LLC.

17-0524Resolution-Advance Land Acquisition Loan

4-0624Agreement with the Village of Hollandale for a new Satellite Shop Facility in the Village of Hollandale

5-0624Iowa County Settlement Agreement Authorization Authorizing Iowa County to Enter Into the Settlement Agreement with The Kroger Co. and Agree to the Terms of Addendum Two to the MOU Allocating Settlement Proceeds.

6-0624Notice of Intent to Issue Financing (Highway).

7-0724Resolution Recommending Transfer of Funds in 2024 from the General Fund Balance and Land Conservation Dams Capital Fund Balance for the Repairs to Birch Lake Dam.

8-0724Resolution to Preserve Bloomfield Prairie.

Consideration of Final Resolution Regarding Unconditional County Guaranty of its Pro Rate Share, Intergovernmental Agreement and Taxable Revenue Bond Financing for Bug Tussel 2, LLC Project.

Resolution Authorizing the Closing of Certain County Facilities for the Purpose of Conducting an Emergency Preparedness Drill.

Resolution Deleting Ordinance 600.16 Tattoo Artist Regulation.

Amendatory Ordinances 

Number Title Adopted Defeated Postponed Amended 
1-0124Petition to zone three lots of 8.93 acres, 5.0 acres and 2.07 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Arena by Mabel Schofield and Calvin Jensen.

2-0124Petition to zone 1.0 acres from R-1 Single Family Residential to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Arena by Brandon & Rachelle Dilley.

3-0124Petition to zone 32.78 acres from A-1 Agricultural to C-1 Conservancy in the Town of Brigham by William Trainor.

4-0124Petition to zone 15.0 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential and 43.62 acres with the AC-1 Ag Conservancy overlay in the Town of Mifflin by Rick Jones.

5-0124Petition to zone 2.02 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential and 37.98 acres with the AC-1 Ag Consevancy overlay district in the Town of Mineral Point by Renee M. Rizzo.

6-0124Petition to zone 5.005 acres A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Moscow by Douglas & Robert Ihm.

1-0224Petition to zone 7.0 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Arena by John & Lisa Hogan.

2-0224Petition to zone 1.99 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Dodgeville by Shane Budack.

3-0224Petition to zone 30.48 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Mineral Point by Laverne Hensen.

4-0224Petition to zone 1.122 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Wyoming by Paul & Julie Esser, Tyler Wilkinson and the Limmex Revocable Trust.

1-0324Petition to zone 2.004 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Linden by Tyler Tonkin.

2-0324Petition to zone 1.99 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Dodgeville by Shane Budack.

1-0424Petition to zone 1.97 acres from A-1 Agricultural and AB-1 Agricultural Business to all AB-1 Agricultural Business in the Town of Arena by V & V Supremo Foods, Inc. and John & Mary Pitman.

2-0424Petition to zone 5.32 acres from C-1 Conservancy & AR-1 Agricultural Residential to AR-1 Agricultural Residential leaving 37.96 acres zoned C-1 Conservancy in the Town of Linden by Tim Burke, Jeffrey Hepp and Jon & Rebekah Novak.

3-0424Petition to zone 35.242 acres and 7.92 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential, and 1.0 acre from A-1 Agricultural to C-1 Conservancy in the Town of Linden by Adam Crist and Ruth Spurley.

4-0424Petition to zone 2.69 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential with 40 acres having the AC-1 Agricultural Conservancy district in the Town of Mineral Point by Bradley & Anita Berget and the Meylor Revocable Trust.

5-0424Petition to zone 5.42 acres from A-1 Agricultural & AR-1 Agricultural Residential to all AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Mineral Point by Dan Dannenberg and Dannenberg Bros.

6-0424Petition to zone 1.02 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town Brigham by Brigham View LLC.

1-0524Petition to zone 2.35 acres from A-1 Agricultural to all AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Arena by Judy Handley.

2-0524Petition to zone 11.03 acres from AR-1 Agricultural Residential to AB-1 Agricultural Business in the Town of Brigham by Reid & Stephanie Formo.

3-0524Petition to zone 12.9 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Dodgeville by Esch Road Properties.

4-0524Petition to zone 5.256 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential with 40 acres having the AC-1 Agricultural Conservancy overlay in the Town of Mifflin by Paul Leigh.

5-0524Petition to zone 2.24 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential with 40 acres having the AC-1 Agricultural Conservancy overlay in the Town of Mifflin by Alan & Paula Schoenberg.

6-0524Petition to zone 0.096 acre from AR-1 Agricultural Residential to C-1 Conservancy with 9.459 acres to remain AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town Mineral Point by Sam Palzkill and Luke Fitzsimmons.

7-0524Petition to zone 4.34 acres from A-1 Agricultural to all AR-1 Agricultural Residential with approximately 39 acres have the AC-1 Agricultural Conservancy overlay in the Town of Mineral Point by Gerry Anderson.

1-0624Petition to zone 1.15 acres from A-1 Agricultural and H-1 Historical in the Town of Brigham by Town of Brigham and the Bethel Cemetery Association.

2-0624Petition to zone 2.002 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Highland by Mike Pink.

3-0624Petition to zone 0.58 acre from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Pulaski by Jennifer Wolf.

1-0724Petition to zone 5.97 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Clyde by Gilbertson Poultry Dennis Gilbertson.

2-0724Petition to zone 3.46 acres from A-1 Agricultural and AR-1 Agricultural Residential to all AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Dodgeville by Daren & Carrie Hansen and Bob & Jane Hansen.

3-0724Petition to zone 10.0 acres from A-1 Agricultural & R-1 Single Family Residential to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Dodgeville by Gene & Susan Iverson.

4-0724Petition to zone 18.58 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential and 26.02 acres from A-1 Agricultural to C-1 Conservancy in the Town of Mineral Point by John Schwartzhoff.

5-0724Petition to zone 2.47 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Ridgeway by Colby Reichling.

6-0724Petition to zone 15.09 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Wyoming by Heidi Jelinek, Karl Siebecker and Pam Richardson.

1-0824Petition to zone 3.73 acres from A-1 Agricultural and AR-1 Agricultural Residential and 23.29 acres with the AC-1 Agricultural Conservancy overlay district in the Town of Brigham by Jean Thousand.

2-0824Petition to zone 5.13 acres and 20.64 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Moscow by Dennis Burkeland and Charlene Burkeland Estate.

3-0824Petition to zone 5.0 acres, 5.01 acres and 5.013 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Moscow by March Muench and Ian Zimmerman.

4-0824Petition to zone 2.36 acres from A-1 Agricultural to AR-1 Agricultural Residential in the Town of Waldwick by Diane Yager and Pine Lawn Farms LLC.


Number Title Adopted Defeated Postponed Amended 
600.18BATV-UTV Ordinance01/16/2024

200.03Iowa County Public Nuisance Ordinance03/19/2024

800.06AAnnual County Vehicle Registration Fee05/21/2024

1001.01Repealing 800.01A and 400.12 re: the Tri-County Airport.06/18/2024

General Information