Environmental Health

Environmental Health

Environmental health is a part of public health that focuses on the interrelationships between people and their environment, promotes human health and well-being and fosters healthy and safe communities. 


Human Health Hazard

A human health hazard is any substance, activity, or condition that is known to have the potential to cause an acute or chronic illness, to endanger life, to generate or spread infectious diseases, or otherwise adversely affect the health of the public. The health department follows up on reports of potential human health hazards to protect public health, safety and general welfare and to maintain and protect the environment for the people of Iowa County.

  • hoarding
  • environmental contamination
  • mold
  • lead paint
  • blastomycosis
  • blue-green algae
  • pests
  • groundwater contamination
  • drug cleanup

 Human Health Hazards can be reported to the Health Department at 608-930-9870. 


Lead Safety

Lead damages the brain and other bodily systems—and its effects can last a lifetime. While lead can hurt anyone, the health effects of lead exposure are particularly damaging for kids under 6. Lead poisoning among children is typically caused by swallowing or breathing in dust from lead-based paint in homes that were built before 1978. We can prevent lead poisoning by getting rid of the danger before it harms children or others.

Lead Safe-Wisconsin

Prevent Lead Poisoning in Children


Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas from the ground and is the second leading cause of lung cancer. 1 in 10 homes in Wisconsin have high radon levels. You cannot see or smell radon. Testing is the only way to know your level of exposure. 

If your radon levels are high, a contractor can help fix it. Click the link https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/radon/radon-proficiency.htm for a list of certified measurement or mitigation contractors in Wisconsin.

FREE RADON TESTING KITS are available at the Health Department. Call 608-930-9870 for more information.

DHS Radon 

 Private Water Well Testing

Water Testing for Private Wells

A private well needs regular maintenance and inspection. You want to make sure it’s working correctly. While most private wells in Wisconsin provide safe drinking water, some may contain substances that can affect our health. Many of these substances do not affect the color, smell, or taste of the water. The only way to make sure a well is safe for drinking is to test your well regularly.

WATER TEST KITS are available at the Health Department. Call 608-930-9870 for more information. 

CDC Private Well Testing

DHS Drinking Water: Private Wells

Bed Bugs  

DHS Bed Bugs

CDC Bed Bugs

Mosquito & Arboviral Control

DHS Mosquito Control


DHS Mold

Public Health Nuisance

The health department Investigates public health nuisances and enforces the public health nuisance ordinance when necessary.

Flood Safety

DHS Flood Hazards and Recovery

Food Retail Inspection and License

DATCP Home Food, Dairy, and Retail Food Licenses (wi.gov)





General Information
Phone Numbers
(608) 930-9870
Emergencies: Dial 911
303 W. Chapel St.
Suite 2200

Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm